A Trip To The Pumpkin Patch

Cold and windy seems to be the recent theme when it comes to spending time outdoors. I suppose that could be attributed to either dumb luck or to the changing seasons….let’s go with a little of both. We took a recent trip up to Anderson Farms to hang at their Fall Festival for a few morning hours, and we were treated to all sorts of cold in between the lightly scattered rain showers and the 20mph wind gusts. Ezra had a lot of fun feeding the goats, playing in a wooden train, and running like crazy through three differently sized mazes – including the large corn maze. We ended the morning with a long trip out to their pumpkin patch (long because you have to ride a wagon and you are on their time table – which is apparently indifferent to the current weather situation). While out at the pumpkin patch, we were able to pick a few pumpkins to bring home – trust me on this one…the camera was inside my jacket being protected from one of those brief and ill-timed rain showers. A few wind-whipped red cheeks later, we wrapped it all up with a cozy car ride home.


  1. what fun! I can’t wait to see Ezra again – he looks like he is growing in leaps and bounds!

  2. weather didn’t seem to bother Ezra, look at that sweet face!!! Love the photo of him looking out at the pumpkin patch…..where to start!! very cute. Denis always told the kids you can have any pumpkin as long as you can carry it!! that has been passed down to the granddaughters now! Enjoy this fall weather!!
    note: saw your father Sunday….. so good to see him! šŸ™‚

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